Baki: Why I Won't Watch Season 2

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Baki is a show that promises you gore, brutal, violent and fresh fights and the premise has potential: human monsters travel to the same place just to "taste defeat" and fight with all their might with the best fighters of the globe.

BUT, the show, although is violent is more than wasted potential. I'm no annoyed after the first season that I'll just make a list. If you enjoy martial arts and gore, just watch a compilation of all the fights in YouTube or visit this channel.

This is the worst anime I've seen in quite a while and maybe is in the top 5 worst of all time. I'm so regretful of the time I wasted in this show that my brain hurts.

1. Characters have no meaning. They are introduced just to be easily discarded later, in a silly and stupid confrontation with one of the humans beasts.

2. The characters have no development, they have no arcs. They remain the same before and after the fights, and the main characters just miraculously survive and recover in an instant after really, really serious injury. The anime in general doesn't have an appealing story. And a lot of the feats pulled by the main characters are nonsensical and impossible and don't have internal coherence with the rest of the show. Terrible pacing and changes of scenes.

3. The audience have no clue about just how strong are the characters. You cannot rank them, you don't know what will injure the and what not.

4. Too much talking and flashbacks in all the fights. Too much revealing of the secret moves by themselves, with no one asking.

5. Secret moves after secret moves make the fights boring because the fights are endless and you just don't know when they are going to end, because the injuries, broken bones and fireshots mean nothing. The opponent is seriously injured but somehow recuperates in an instant and pulls a new trick, stop for a monologue while the other is recovering and so on. No one really wins a fight ever in the show.

6. I hate with all my heart the Baki scenes. Baki never fights and his story love is easily the worst part of the show. The romance appears out of nowhere and no one is interested in that girl. I don't even recall her name because the romance is meaningless and extremely forced. The walk alone only to be watched from the distance by an enemy that does nothing. When Baki jumps from the second or third floor to escape a fight I rolled my eyes in disgust. That scene was just silly.

I know that the show is trying to create an aura of mystery around Baki, but fails terribly.

7. The anime varies wildly in it's animation. And the animation itself is just awful and sloppy.

8. Repetitive fighting. Surprise moves that are so cliché that become boring and predictable, with cheap tricks like blinding the eyes of the opponent with dust and/or blood

In closing, if you're a martial arts enthusiast wishing to see amazing fights, you should probably look somewhere else. Or just watch a remix of all the fights from YouTube. You won't miss a thing from the plot if you do that.

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Personal Rating And Critics

Recommend: 3 out of 10
Plot: 3 out of 10
Cinematography: 5 of 10
Lead Performers: 3 out of 10
Supporting Cast: 3 out of 10
Direction: 4 out of 10
Screen Play: 3 out of 10
Music Score: 6 out of 10
Title Sequence: 4 out of 10

Best feature: Gore fights.

Conclusion: 4/10.

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