The Seven Deadly Sins: Why I stopped watching the series

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Personal Rating And Critics

Recommend: 7 out of 10
Plot: 8 out of 10
Cinematography: 8 of 10
Lead Performers: 7 out of 10
Supporting Cast: 9 out of 10
Direction: 6 out of 10
Screen Play: X out of 10
Music Score: 8 out of 10
Title Sequence: 9 out of 10

I liked the characters, except for Meliodas and Merlin ( I think she's poorly created), the moral ambiguity of the whole thing, the fast pace of the series and the variety of magic powers.

Conclusion: Wasted potential

Why did I stop watching this series?

1. Plot holes:

When did Ban's sacred weapon appear?
Why and how Gowther did not die after he/she was stabbed or after his head was chopped off?
Why didn't Hawk die? Why did he/she become small at the end of the first season?

2. The universe of the series is not clear after the first season

Who are they?
Why are they so powerful?
Are the able to die somehow?

There are so many things left unexplained that the whole thing is just a confusing mess.

3. The characters are very plain arcs and are not well developed

Just how powerful are they? After the whole first season, I don't know yet, and it's not a positive thing.

They also appear and disappear out of nowhere just to save someone or add a cheap suspense, like King Arthur from the overused Camelot (I'm so tired of this reference everywhere, nothing original here).

4. Annoying level of sexualization

Don't get me wrong. I like that aspect, but the scenes are just random and pointless. Those scenes are added up just because. There isn't a reason for that scenes and because of that, the scenes lose their appeal. The sexualization is senseless and irrelevant. It doesn't do anything for the plot and it doesn't have a development, Elizabeth just let Meliodas do anything to her (he should be the lust sin).

The fact that Meliodas has a child like appearance only adds to the creepiness, and whatever heroic acts he performs for the land is just immediately cancelled out by his subsequent sexual harassment of Elizabeth(as someone in imdb states).

I'm not watching a clearly adult anime to teach me anything about sexual consent, the non-objetification of women, the rape culture or the inducement of pedophilia through the media, but the sex scenes play no role in the series.

5. It's not a "good" action anime

Sometimes the main characters appear to be very vulnerable but in the next scene they're back at the fight even more powerful without a reason.

Just when I thought someone really, really died; he/she resuscitates out of nowhere, which is insulting for me as a viewer.

After the first season, I don't know if someone is in danger or not. If the characters cannot die, the whole action scenes and the fights are pointless: they won't die anyway, no matter how strong the opponent is.

In some ways, the fights become boring as in Dragon Ball, when you know Gokú is more powerful that it looks to the enemy or when he hasn't transformed. All the fights with Meliodas are like this and his power levels are not constant. At least in other animes I know when the hero is in real danger.

When Gil and Hawk, just to name a few, save Meliodas, I did not buy that crap: I felt nothing because I didn't know how powerful was the enemy attack and if it really mattered something.

6. Plot development

Just when the plot needs it, one of the main characters or their enemies happen to have a really powerful and unknown power that saves the day or make things more complicated.

Just when the plot needs it, a villain or a hero becomes more powerful thanks to something or something unknown to the viewers. I mean, it's hard to overlook all the flaws and plot holes. And everything loses its emotionality when no one dies REALLY.

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